Sunday, December 2, 2007

1990's Republican Congress

During the 1990’s, a democratic president was in power, however, (starting in 1994) the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. (until 2006) President Clinton became a polarizing figure due to his scandal involving a white house intern, leading to his impeachment. Several other scandals of the Clinton administration caused a split in America, such as the Waco siege. However the 1990’s produced one of the most lucrative and fastest growing economies in American history. The economic prosperity of the 1990s allowed for Clinton to be easily re-elected in 1996. Despite the political successes of the Clinton Administration, the republican controlled congress impeached him for lying under oath during an investigation centering on his affair with an intern that worked at the White House. Although he was impeached, the republican controlled Senate did not convict him, thus he was not removed from office. This was the only the second time a president of the United States was impeached. In today's political climate, both the president and congress have very low approval ratings.

1 comment:

D Schultz said...

So are you arguing Clinton made the '90's a critical era?