Sunday, October 21, 2007

Two Party system

America's two party system may not be perfect, but it is essential to our democracy. Having a two party system, and to some extent a three party system, allows for people to clearly identify with one political belief or another. on the other hand, in recent years there has been a growing movement towards independents or moderates, instead of being a "red state" republican or "blue state" democrat. It seems in recent years that the parties have devolved into either Pro or Anti-Bush, and moreover, pro or anti-war.

1 comment:

mfbility said...

Yes lincoln you just sum it in your piece, in Africa this is called Multi partism, and the American system is a fine example of next to a perfect world, democracy is not only essential for economy reason it also important for stability and advancement of the nation, we all know that third party stand a very little chance of winning election but in a democracy the voice of the people do matter, and the best way to express that is through voting, as a civil duty.